Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

Croatia Online - Update

Regular readers of Croatia Online can normally judge by our output the level of activity in our day job; friends know that its pretty hectic for us at the moment. That's a shame because there's so much to report on.
Hopefully readers will be patient as we seem to be swimming well against the tide! Today's photo is courtesy of SwimTrek who we last covered back in September 2006 in a posting on keeping fit. You should be able to read more about them in Time Out's new Magazine For Visitors' To Croatia, due out at the end of April.
Equally exciting is our project to write a Superyacht Owners' Guide to Croatia for Boat International, due to be published not long after. If that's going to be worth reading, and, after what the research has uncovered, we know it is, then Croatia Online unfortunately has to take a back seat for a few more weeks.
Don't forget to keep an eye on our sister blog for nautical news and we're happy to report that our Croatia Cruising Companion, covering the Dalmatian Coast and islands, is currently ranked by Amazon at number 5 for travel and holiday books on Croatia, and number 8 in books on sailing in any destination. Direct link Amazon - Croatia Cruising Companion.
As we find out every time we carry out some new research, visit a new place, revisit an old one, talk to old friends or meet some new people, Croatia is one of those places that the more you get to know it, the more there is to discover. That makes for a life that's never boring!

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