On every second Saturday of July, people gather outside the Mugs AwaySaloon, in Laguna Niguel, California, for the annual Mooning of theAmtrack.
Known also as the Mooning of the Train, this traditiondates back to 1979. Legend has it it all started when a rich personwalked into the bar and promised free drinks to anyone with enoughballs to show their naked behinds to the passing Amtrak train.
Thisyear around 1,000 people attended the mooning and a great time doingso. there were no incidents, unlike last year, when many of the 8,000mooners got intoxicated in public and the festivities had to be shutdown.
The trains are mostly full when they pass by the Mugs AwaySaloon and the conductors even slow down so the passengers can reallyenjoy the view.

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